Environment, Society, and Corporate Governance

Environment, Society, and Corporate Governance (in short "ESG") are the three major indexes for measuring the substainability of companies. The financial market has already been integrating ESG factors into their investment process; meanwhile, banks have used ESG performance as a direct factor to grant loans, therefore a comprehensive ESG system becomes very important for both listed companies and SME.


ESGSupermart Group Limited (referred as ESGSupermart) is a consulting corporation on ESG implementation. ESGSupermart serves the listed companies in HKEX as well as implementing ESG culture into SME with low-cost solutions.

Many a little make a mickle, ESGSupermart will maximize the existing resources from necessary expenses of any company and turn them into a series of complimentary ESG services to improve its sustainability.

ESGSupermart is specialized in corporate Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) and general insurance (GI) consulting services. In addition, ESGSupermart also focuses on services of corporate governance improvements and introduce series of free value-adding services on employee benefits, bringing a win-win solution to clients.

ESGSupermart will also offer an office automation (OA) system to clients free of charge. The system digitalize all levels of administrative works with aims to increase company efficiency and enable our clients to become more environmental friendly.


EWP Limited

EWP Limited is one of the subsidiaries of ESGSupermart Group and its business focuses on providing a platform for professional and comprehensive general insurance consultation. By partnering with renounced and well-established brokerage firms, EWP provides services on a wide range of products, including Employees Compensation Insurance, Office Package Insurance, and Motor Insurance etc. With our professional consulting team, we can tailor-make terms fitting the needs of our clients and EWP makes use of the existing resources to bring ESG services to our clients.

Meanwhile, EWP Limited helps clients to promote occupational safety and health, to create a better workplace and reduce work injuries, which in turn protect both the employer and employees.

For details, please visit:


Retirement Planning Limited

Retirement Planning Limited is one of the subsidiaries of ESGSupermart Group and its business focuses on retirement education

EBClub Limited

EBClub Limited is one of the Subsidiaries of ESGSupermart Group and its business focuses on running an employee benefit sharing platform. EBClub sources a wide range of shopping discounts in town, in order to cover every single need an employee may have. EBClub strives to create a continuous while flexible rewarding system for employers to motivate their employees.

For details, please visit::



For clients using the GI consulting services by EWP limited and/or the corporate MPF services by MPFSupermart, we will provide the below value-adding services FREE OF CHARGE

Email Hosting

Corporate Website

Office Automation

Medical Services

Employee Benefit


Operation Address

Room A-B, 5/F, 9-11 Bonham Strand West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Email: info@esgsupermart.com.hk

Tel: +852 6966 8484

Fax: +852 3108 4272